Friday, March 30, 2012

A boxing hero, faces tax evasion punch

Sarangani representative and a boxing icon, Manny Paquiao faces charges filled by BIR. The agency asked him to submit documents to support why a huge drop in his tax remittances. Being a government official ,he should be a role model to the people. According to sources, the boxing icon has  ignored request from the agency to submit papers of fights and endorsements.        
The BIR filled  a complain after 3 notices and a subpoena after the boxer allegedly  failed  to submit all documents. The BIR noticed  discrepancies and a huge drop  on Paquiao's 2010 tax return. Mr. Paquiao, please face the fight fairly and squarely. Is this a boxers dodge?        

click here  for related story .

Saint Theresa’s College did not allow student to attend graduation rites

Saint Theresa's School Administration did not allow two students to attend their graduation rites, after posting pictures in bikinis on their Facebook account. A T.R.O. was issued by the court allowing the students to attend their graduation rites. But still, the school barred the students from entering the school premises to attend the ceremony.


See related article click here

Reynaldo Lapuz, American Idol all time favorite

Reynaldo Lapuz is a Filipino- American who auditioned on the American Idol, and became a celebrity by singing his own composition " We're Brothers Forever''.     

A song writer and singer, has his own band in his home country the Philippines, A tricycle driver in Quezon City  who migrated to the US in 2004. During his audition, He captured the heart of judge Simon Cowell but rejects him gently. Simon commented " I'm going to make a prediction here. I have a horrible feeling that it's going to be a hit record. You're very entertaining. I actually like you... but it's going to be a no."  Lapuz performed in the season finale of American Idol 7 , accompanied by the University of Southern California marching band.
                      Click here to watch Jessica Soho Interview Part 1
                      Click here to watch Jessica Soho Interview Part 2

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dynamite Lumpia ( Chilli)

Filipinos love spicy foods, I don't know the exact origin of this delicious appetizer called Dynamite Lumpia
But I tried cooking it and to my delight, It's a real party hit!
Of course the main ingredient is New Mexico cayenne pepper or Siling Pang sigang
WARNING : This is really hot!


Soak Pepper in salt water for 15 min,Split in half and remove the seeds

                                           Stuff with ground beef or pork


                                          Roll in wrapper
                                          Fry until golden brown

                                          Dip in Mayo or Ketchup

Kusina ni Ella( click here for more recipes)

HIV cases in the Philippines now @ an alarming rate

An increase in the number of HIV cases of around 72 percent compared to last year, Alerted  D.O.H. officials. 274 cases oh HIV infections diagnosed this February 2012 compared to 159 cases of February last year. 38 cases where due to needle sharing by drug users, 235 cases where of sexual contact, more than half of the sexual cases where due to homosexual encounters.

The condom controversy
Dr Esperanza Cabral said that in 2011 the government stopped allocating funds in the distribution of condoms due to pressure from the Catholic Church. Condoms are known to effectively stop the spread of HIV and other STD infections.  Dr. Cabral was once castigated by the Catholic Church for distribution of condoms on valentines day. 

Condoms against morality?
“Using condoms is an offense against God. If you are abstinent and faithful, hindi ka magkaka-AIDS,” said Fr. Joel Jason, head of the Archdiocese of Manila’s Commission on Family and Life.
The Church is firm with their stand against the use artificial means of contraception.

Facts about HIV
What is HIV? 
HIV stands for 'human immunodeficiency virus'. HIV is a virus (of the type called 
retrovirus) that infects cells of the human immune system (mainly CD4 positive T cells 
and macrophages—key components of the cellular immune system), and destroys or 
impairs their function. Infection with this virus results in the progressive deterioration of 
the immune system, leading to 'immune deficiency

What is AIDS?  
AIDS stands for 'acquired immunodeficiency syndrome' and is a surveillance definition 
based on signs, symptoms, infections, and cancers associated with the deficiency of the 
immune system that stems from infection with HIV.  

How is HIV transmitted? 

  •  Unprotected sex (vaginal, anal and to a lesser extent oral sex) with an infected person
  •  Sharing contaminated syringes, needles or other sharp instruments 
  •   From mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breast feeding when the mother is   already HIV positive
  •   Blood transfusion with contaminated blood
  •   All these ways of transmitting HIV can be prevented

For more info on HIV prevention visit the following links
CDC ( Center for Disease Control)
D.O.H HIV surveillance

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zoobic safari adventure park

Zoobic safari is a very popular attraction located in Subic Bay freeport forest adventure,it is a 25 hectare land with different sections where a variety of exotic animals can be observed.(click here to visit their website)

Guest are given an orientation with what to expect and some safety tips when observing animals, especially the tigers. A guide leads every group in going around the park, and gives an overview of the different animals in captivity.  

                       A guide demonstrates how to feed African love birds    

One of the main attraction in the park is the tiger safari, get to ride an enclosed jeep and ride the rough terrains entering tiger territory. You will see tigers in their natural environment roaming around and see how they feed.
                       Visitors boarding the enclosed jeep
                                          A tiger approaches the vehicle
                         A close encounter with a tiger  
Souvenir shops are located in the park where visitors can buy stuffed toy animals, which are reasonably priced.

                Here are some of the pictures taken inside the park

                  In the petting zoo visitors can touch and feed farm animals

                                           Feeding the camel
                                           Young Kalaw birds

                                          Too  lazy to move

So come and experience the fun and excitement with exotic and wild animals, it's an adventure the whole family will here to visit their website

MV Logos Hope at Subic Bay

Logos Hope, the largest floating book fair docked at Subic Bay port. Operated by GBA Ships, an international charitable organization. The ship has around 5,000 titles to choose from, Aside from this the ship offers onboard events for visitors to enjoy.    

At Subic bay port
Tickets cost at Php 20.00, entry for children below 12 years old is free and must be accompanied by an adult. A crew welcomes the guest with a 2 min video about MV Logos

One of the highlights on board is the Logo's Hope Life experience presentation about HIV awareness. 
Waiting for their turn

Symptoms of HIV 
                    Visitors can post comment about their experience

The books on sale covers a wide range of subjects,from children's books, science, hobbies and family life.  
Prices are in units, 1 unit = 1 Php.
Very busy shopping books 

                                          A very nice cafeteria

                               Crew members play classical music

                  The 400 crew members are volunteers from 50 different countries

                            A pose with one of the crew members
(Click here to visit GBA Ships)
Logos Hope usually visits ports for about 2 weeks, and is open from 10 am to 9:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday and 1pm to 9:30 pm on Sundays, the ship is closed on Mondays
So what are you waiting for catch MV Logos at Subic port from March 15 to April 18 2012.