Saturday, March 24, 2012

MV Logos Hope at Subic Bay

Logos Hope, the largest floating book fair docked at Subic Bay port. Operated by GBA Ships, an international charitable organization. The ship has around 5,000 titles to choose from, Aside from this the ship offers onboard events for visitors to enjoy.    

At Subic bay port
Tickets cost at Php 20.00, entry for children below 12 years old is free and must be accompanied by an adult. A crew welcomes the guest with a 2 min video about MV Logos

One of the highlights on board is the Logo's Hope Life experience presentation about HIV awareness. 
Waiting for their turn

Symptoms of HIV 
                    Visitors can post comment about their experience

The books on sale covers a wide range of subjects,from children's books, science, hobbies and family life.  
Prices are in units, 1 unit = 1 Php.
Very busy shopping books 

                                          A very nice cafeteria

                               Crew members play classical music

                  The 400 crew members are volunteers from 50 different countries

                            A pose with one of the crew members
(Click here to visit GBA Ships)
Logos Hope usually visits ports for about 2 weeks, and is open from 10 am to 9:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday and 1pm to 9:30 pm on Sundays, the ship is closed on Mondays
So what are you waiting for catch MV Logos at Subic port from March 15 to April 18 2012. 

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