Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wawa Dam ( Montalban Rizal)

Constructed by the Americans in 1909 as a reservoir and a pumping facility, it was decommissioned in 1960 when the Ipo- La- Mesa Angat watershed  was made. Today , it attracts tourist from nearby towns and cities to enjoy the scenic views.

The Legend of Bernardo Carpio
Folklore tells us that within these mountains the legendary Bernardo Carpio was once trapped between two crashing mountains. But historically the mountains of Montalban were a battlefield during the Japanese occupation. Andress Bonifacio took refuge in the Pamitinan cave in 1895.  A friend (by the way he's long gone) once told me that during his teenage years, he was forced to do hard labor by the Japanese forces here. He witnessed the site where the Japanese buried their ill gotten treasures and escaped mass execution by diving into the river of Montalban. There are also stories by local residents that there is a mysterious force that takes lives by drowning its victims. It is also said that victims are usually first born males. 

                                                            Parking is not a problem 
                                                              Stores and videoke bars 
                                                                       Old Tunnel
                                                            The Dam from a distance 
                                                              Top view of the Dam
The old metal bridge
                                                      A view of Pamitinan cave
To explore Pamitinan cave, ask permission from Montalban tourism office located infront of the parking area, and a minimal fee is required for the guide.    

Cave entrance                   
 Japanese soldiers died here defending their posts
A local who assit visitors
If you happened to be around the area, why don't you visit Wawa Dam in Montalban Rizal. It is a nice place to spend the weekend with all the attraction it has to offer. 


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