Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Underground Cemetery In Nagcarlan Laguna

It was sometime when I did the Laguna -Quezon loop on a motorcycle. Doing long distance travel on a motorcycle is economical but the rider is exposed to the elements. Found myself got nothing to do on a weekend,decided to go to Nagcarlan laguna. At about 140km from my place in SanMateo Rizal. Left the house 4:30 am travelling via the Marilaque highway passing the towns of Rizal.

Arrived at Nagcarlan at around 9:30 am. My destination is the underground cemetery and by the way the only one in the Philippines

A staff greeted me 

Upon registering a staff gave me an overview about the history of the place. The underground burial is used for spanish friars and be uaed by prominent families as burial site.

I did enjoy my tour ,try visiting Nagcarlan underground cemetery. Entrance is free!

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