Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Riding with Jet Lee and Des Buncio

Sensational riders  from Cebu, Jet Lee and Des Buncio, meet and greet at Shell Pugon along Marcos highway last July 30th, Tuesday. We arrived at around      6:30 am, and many riders waited patiently.

Riders from different biker groups gathered together to be with Jet and Des on a fun ride to Marilaque.

Jet Lee arrived around 9 am, and received a warm welcome from fellow riders.

Des Buncio with a fellow rider

Jet Lee and Des Buncio gave their time taking pictures and giving out stickers to their fellow bike enthusiasts.

Jet and her KTM bike

The group took off to Marilaque at around 10am, good thing it stopped raining during the ride.

First destination is going to BNK cafe along Marilaque highway at Sampaloc, Tanay Rizal. 

Jet greeted by restaurant staffs

BNK offers delicious meals at an affordable price

After eating, they headed out going to Jariel's peak. The event was a succesful one, everyone had fun meeting and riding with lady riders Jet Lee and Des Buncio.

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