Friday, July 12, 2019

Simple joys in life

I stayed in America for 3 years. well if you ask me if I liked it, I would say not much! Working overseas is just taking it as it is, all work. You would be missing the simple joys of life. One thing that I didn't like is the food, too bland for me, it's all the same for the most part. I can't blame them for that though as we have different taste buds.

So, when I got back home, the first thing I did was  to eat at a local carinderia or local eatery and enjoyed locally cooked filipino dishes! I finished it off with a favorite filipino dessert/snack.

The famous Banana Cue - fried bananas coated in caramelized brown sugar!

Most of the times,  we are too busy working and thinking big. And often, we miss smelling the flowers and enjoy the beauty that's right before our very eyes.The simplest things are sometimes the great things, don't let it pass you by.

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