Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Going to Tagaytay to image Taal Volcano venting ash

A day after the initial venting of steam and ash from Taal volcano, me and my friend decided to go to Tagaytay which is a safe distance from Taal volcano. So the plan is to take some images of this volcanic activity. Having sub 400cc motorcycle , we took the Aguinaldo highway route. Travelling is bit difficult brought about by volcanic ash, making visibility hard.

A view of Taal volcano spewing ash and steam
Arriving in Tagaytay, we can't find any open restaurants. No electricity and no water supply in the whole city, almost as if it is a ghost town literally.

Angkas riders giving free surgical masks

Ash deposits

A video of the road condition in Tagaytay

more ash deposits along the road
We found a good vantage point to take pictures, arriving at around 4 pm and sunlight is at its low. We still able to get descent enough images to post. We are planning to try to take better pictures next week  and try to arrive much earlier, Taal Volcano is best to image early in the morning.

dusty and tired but worth the travel

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