Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Hinulugang Taktak

One of Antipolo's iconic destinations, the curiosity brought about by how it derive its name, ("taktak" pertains to a bell that was thrown "hinulog" into it), and it being included in the song "Tayo na sa Antipolo") took me to this place.It is about 1.7 kilometers from the Antipolo Cathedral and can be  accessed through the Taktak road.  This was how it looked like when we arrived at the spot. This recreationalarea has been under rehabilitation for years and due to the oils spill in 2015.
The government exerted extra effort to protect and restore this important piece of history.It was evident though that there were problems with the trash and nearby waterways but the falls itself was a sight to behold. It will definitely take years to totally restore it to how magnificent it was before. 

The overall area is nice but not as spectacular and I'm hoping for better improvements in the years to come. The water still have this pungent odor and I think that's the biggest problem they have to deal with. I also wish that, aside from being in awe with the sight of the raging falls, it will be a great idea to put other activities in for children and adults to enjoy. As for now, it is still worth the visit as still is one of the most peaceful and relaxing place I have ever been, a wonderful oasis in Antipolo. 

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